Tuesday, November 30, 2010

This design is perfect ............

as it is 40 and raining right now! I'm having problems with my template on this thing, if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know! I don't want to look at the rain forever!

Round 4 is Thursday, and I'm a bit trepadacious about it - didn't have a good time after round 3 (which is why I haven't written.) It took a couple days (and lasted 4-5) but I had a weird side effect. I felt (it's hard to explain): drugged, out of body, not right in the head (he he!!),unbalanced, etc. I didn't like it, and the only way to not feel like that was to lay down. Yeah, right - with two kids under 5. Luckily it went away, but I don't want to do that again. On top of that; fatigued, irritable, hearing sensitivity, chemo brain, acky belly, so on and so forth.

James is out of town so the kids and I are getting a tree and putting up Christmas decorations while he's gone (bah humbug!) The kids have finally succumbed to getting a cold, I'm doing my best to not get it. For Thanksgiving we went to my sisters in Holland, then stayed at a hotel in GR (with a pool so the kids could swim). They really enjoyed that. Above are pic's of my latest hair "cut" (Thanks Laura!!) and the kids at the pool. Until next time, Darci

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

And on to round 3..........

Although I've heard it's round 4 that will kick my butt (just in time for Turkey day!)

All is well in baldy land, I've been wearing it with pride. And yes, I had a lady approach me on day 1 who told me about her breast cancer 16 years ago, and her recent recurrence with new tumors everywhere. 
THANKS! That's just what I wanted to hear! I have had a lot of compliments, and I figure not that many people are gonna lie, so I must look OK.

The good news is I have made a new friend (my husband doesn't call me a friend slut for nothing!), and she is a fellow chemo goer. We met at the Oncologists office (we are both the only ones (almost) who aren't 80 in the office) We have kids the same age, are both going through chemo (and both hate the same nurse in the office) so it was meant to be from the start.  So here is to Nicole!

Thank you all who have been bringing food, it is very much appreciated. I do want to say that there are a couple of new rules (to make it easier on ya'll). You may bring the food by any time in the afternoon, and I will leave a cooler on the front porch, and it DOES NOT have to be warm! I can warm things up myself (I'm not that far gone!? yet, at least - he he) I hope that makes it easier on everyone.

Thank you all also for the hats and gifts. I've even been making my own hats (1 at least) for myself. I will need them this winter!

Time to bring the kids to school, Peace and love and Happy November to all - Darci

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Going, going almost gone..........

OK, here are pic's from day 4-6. The last pic. was this am, and although one of my friends was going to come over on Saturday and we were gonna have a head shaving party, I called her 10 minutes ago, and said "come now, and bring the shaver." When I can't take a shower anymore without rolling a pet hair roller over my body when I'm done, it's time for it to go! (hint, hint: If you were gonna buy me a hot, now is the time!)I'll post the after pic's soon. Darci

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Losing hair.......

OK, the ackiness is starting. I feel acky (hungover, but I'm not). My head is getting tender and I'm losing hair too. I've been keeping a photo tally of days 1-3, of my pillow collection and the drain after I shower.

 Day 1
 Day 2

Day 3

I'm going to have a head shaving party with a friend (and James and the kids), everyone gets to take a turn. James said he'll shave his head too! I'm thinking this will take place in two weeks, but we'll see how quick it goes. James says he can't tell yet (my hair is not thinning), but it sure is coming out! Here are some more pic's of our first snow, plus the kids sleeping. Love, D

Friday, November 5, 2010

Chemo, round 2

So, insomnia again! The good news is that I found out it's due to a steroid I'm taking, the bad news is after two different kinds of sleeping pills, nothing works. Luckily, I only get it (for the most part) while I'm on the steroid (4 days after chemo). I'm gonna ask my doc. if I have to be on it at all. At least I'm getting a lot of crocheting done!

I'm including pic's of two things, our new one eyed cat named Gilbert (now we have two black cats, Girdie and Gilbert), and a pic. of a purse I found at a new resale shop here and it looks like a quilt! I love it!

My hair is supposed to start falling out soon. I';m going to chronicle it and post it here (with pic's). Other than that, (Thanks to Laurie Hebert (organizer) and all of the ppl bringing the food, I now will have meals coming EVERY Friday! Thanks everyone! I'm still open to old mag's, old books, books on CD, etc. You can just drop them at the door.

Another funny thing (and this is due to age, not cancer), is that I keep losing my glasses around the house. I need them to see far away, but now my eyesight is better for seeing up close, so I'm always taking them off and losing them. So, thanks to James' second (or third) cousin (once removed, I think) - Janelle, has introduced me to Etsy, which is a scary website for people with a credit card who  love handmade things. So I ordered 2 old lady beaded glasses holders from this site. One was on clearance and was $2.87!

I'll keep ya updated on any other side effects ('cause I'm sure they'll be so interesting to hear about, ya know!) Peace, love, and get ready for winter! Darci