Insomnia - it's 4am. And, we are switching from Dish to Direct TV so my husband turned off Dish 2 days ago, but of course that's not when Direct TV came, so we've had no TV for 2 days! No GMA! That's OK, I'll wait (patiently) for the Direct because they have local on the 8's. (Those of you who know me well will know what this is - the rest of you will just have to figure it out!) Anyways, the Dr. said if I wasn't sick after 24 hours I prob. wouldn't be. I heard there was a correlation with not getting sick being pregnant (which I wasn't) and not feeling as bad with chemo. We will see.............
Well, other than feeling fine yesterday, I had 2 bad things happen. The first one was kind of funny - it was a "You don't f--k with Darci after she just had her first Chemo treatment!
1) I went to Meijers to by a butterball turkey. (They were 1/2 off, i had a 1.00 coupon and there is a 5.00 rebate!) I go through the self check out, and the price comes up as the normal price. The staff guy said they were supposed to be labeled "Tom" turkey's and not "Young turkey's" So I turn around, root through the turkey's and find a bunch of others that are labeled "Young Turkey's" with the sale price on them. So I bring one back up to him, and he changes his tactic. Now he states that the birds on sale are supposed to be 16-20 lb's average (in between 16 and 20 lb's). I wanted to tell him "Obviously you didn't go to college ~ and neither did the guy who wrote this ad ~" just because it says average does not mean it is the average of those two #'S, which he seemed to think was the rule, So I had to turn around again, go back and root through the turkeys some more to find the smallest one. ASS! So what did I do the minute I got in the car? Called and spoke with the manager, (who has also had cancer), explained that this guy was a pulling a stubborn man thing, and he needed an attitude adjustment! The manager agreed, and said his attitude would be very adjusted by the end of the day. And to top it off, he is giving me a gift card to cover the turkey. See, bitching is good (can be, I should say)
2) Babysitter from down the street canceled today, for tomorrow. James will be out of town tomorrow. She made other plans because she didn't know about my port? (But then didn't tell/ask me until yesterday at 4:30?)
Port #2 is doing well - I got a WOMAN Dr. this time and she knew what she was doing! I also met with my surgeon - who id from GR, and is very nice and considerate. Last week I went to a "Look Good Feel Better" class through ACS and got over 200.00 of free makeup, and a makeup lesson! I told them "good, now I can throw away all of my makeup that's been sitting around for 15 years!"
I mentioned this last time, but my friend Laurie is organizing meals for me, the days after my chemo treatments. It's a cool calendar set up, and if you can't bring food on a friday, I think you can just check on whatever day you want to bring it! Also, for those of you who aren't in TC but want to help, you can send a gift cert for a local restaurant or pizza place, and just mark off a day on the calendar. Here is the site: VolunteerSpot — Doing Good Just Got Easier! Laurie is also collecting old mag's for me to go through during treatment (or anyone can just drop them at my door too - 842 Cobalt St) I also like little baby bottles of things - shampoo's, lotions, perfumes, so if ya'll want to clean out your bathroom drawers and pass them on, they'd be appreciated! I'm going to make a collage now on my new "blood cell count treatment book" that I got at chemo yesterday! Love, peace and all of that, Darci
ps - Pic's of Elena with her tomatoes...........
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